Course Projects

Human Computer Interaction Projects

My university concentration, Human Computer Interaction, focuses on design and how users interact with software and hardware. As such, the focus of the projects I completed within these courses were on the design process and the principles of making user friendly designs. My first project within this concentration was based around designing a library's website, whose main audience was young patrons and those who don't already go to the library. The design was a collaborative process, but my main coding work was in the home and search pages.

A screenshot of a library home page. Github

The next HCI course focused more closely on the design process. In each of the four large projects, I would go through the process of creative brainstorming, refinement of ideas, then prototyping using both software and hardware. I gained experience in brainstorming novel ideas for mundane problems, and in pitching something I've created. My learning process and further details on each project are documented on my project website.

A collection of screenshots of my Human Computer Interaction II Projects.

Another course in this specialization I've taken is Human Robotics Interaction. While this class focused more on research and theory, I learned a lot about working with hardware and prototyping with a team. The paper on the process of creating and testing our prototype is shared below.

Software Engineering

This project was for my Introduction to Software Engineering course, which focused on building technical and soft skills needed to develop software in teams. For this project I worked in a group of 20 people, following AGILE methodology to create software for a self checkout kiosk at a grocery store. My work on the code focused on the bagging screen and testing the final product.



This last project was for my Data Base Management Systems course. In this The final product is a prototype of a used clothes swap website, similar to Kijiji, that has a working database for users, clothing, and messaging. My areas of focus in this project were the pages for each item, the search, and the home page. The database design was a collaborative effort.
